Possible FREE DUDE Wipes Products for Men (Instagram Required)
Calling all you DUDES with Instagram accounts! You could get FREE DUDE Wipes Products mailed to you, at no cost whatsoever! What you need to do is click here and fill out the form to apply to join the DUDE AmbASSador program (it's free); instagram account name required. Watch for an email titled "So you want to be a DUDE AmbASSador?" to arrive in 1-2 days and you'll need to click the "APPLY NOW" button to complete your application. If you're accepted, they'll send you a nice package full of DUDE Wipes products (shower wipes, flushable wipes, individual wipes, etc). Good luck!! Thank you Crystal! Don't forget to come back and let us know if you become part of the squad!
About DUDE Wipes
Listen, when you're packing DUDE Wipes you no longer have to fear the aftermath of that lunchtime burrito, the terrible toilet paper at your office or the dreaded leaf in the woods. Life should be better than that and DUDE is here to help.
Dude Wipes Singles are perfect for travel and TSA approved, butt, you should never really leave home without them. Use them on your face, pits, and other dude regions too.
Access to a shower is not always a realistic option after every awesome, stanky, or highly questionable situation. So now it’s time to embrace those moments. The DUDE Shower gives you a fast and effective way to remove DUDE stank and stay fresh on-the-go.
Maintaining a fresh and clean mug hasn't always been possible, until now. Use DUDE Face Wipes for a quick and effective way to remove dirt and oil when you're on-the-go or to moisturize and clean after a shave.