Possible FREE Zum Sample Kit with Bar Soap, Room & Body Spray and Laundry Soap
You may be able to claim a FREE Zum Sample Kit from Zum Bar Soap - Indigo Wild on Facebook or Instagram through a sponsored ad (see screenshot below). This is nice one too! Kit includes Zum Bar Soap, Room & Body Spray and Laundry Soap. If the offer doesn't come up after checking their page, try the tips below to see if it'll pop up in your newsfeed.
- Like Zum Bar Soap - Indigo Wild on Facebook and follow @zumbarsoap on Instagram then like 5-6 of their most recent posts on each page.
- Search Zum by Indigo Wild on Google and Facebook then scroll the results for a few seconds.
- Close everything out.
- Wait a few minutes then browse your Facebook or Instagram newsfeed like normal.
- When you see the post, click the 'Get Offer' button and fill out the form to claim.
- Remember, it can take several days for the sponsored ad post to show up so just keep a watch on your feed.
- Let us know if you get it!
Thank you, MsLadyLuck113