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Possible FREE SugarBee Apples Sampling Kit from Moms Meet (Apply)

Moms Meet has a new sampling opportunity for Mom Ambassadors! Apply for the FREE SugarBee Apple Sampling and if accepted into this program, you will receive Samples of SugarBee apples plus goodies to share with your group. You’ll also receive additional SugarBee swag as a thank you. Not a Moms Meet member? Follow the steps below to sign up for free then apply for the sampling. Good luck!

  1. First, join Moms Meet as a Mom Ambassador or log in if you're already a member.
  2. Go to the SugarBee Apple Sampling then click "Apply to Sample".
  3. You will be notified in 3-4 weeks if you are chosen. You can also check the status of your application this way: log into your Moms Meet account, click on Try & Review at the top then under where it says "Sampling Center", click on the product you applied to sample.

About SugarBee Apple

If you’re a fan of sweet, crisp apples, the new SugarBee® variety may become your favorite. SugarBee owes its origin story to one very special honeybee. On a particularly sunny day several years back, that honeybee carried pollen from a mystery blossom to a Honeycrisp blossom. The result is the new juicy and sweet SugarBee apple, with notes of honey, caramel, and molasses, and just a touch of acidity.

Thank you, Beingfrugal

Posted by MrsVonBeau: