Free Bookmarks, Stickers, Posters, Activity Sheets, Magazines, & More from Idaho Forests
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The Idaho Forest Products Commission sees working forests maintained in Idaho forever through responsible management of public and private forests and through an informed public that understands such management. The work of the Commission will help assure balanced and sustained timber, wildlife, recreation and scenic beauty for the welfare of the state’s citizens.
The Idaho Forest Products Commission (IFPC) was created in 1992 by an act of the Idaho Legislature. The purpose of the Commission is to “promote the economic and environmental welfare of the state by providing a means for the collection and dissemination of information regarding the management of the state’s public and private forest lands and the forest products industry.” IFPC provides a variety of statewide communications activities, educational programs and informational materials to educate specific audiences such as decision makers, educators and students as well as the general public about the need for proper forest management.
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