DoorDash Cantina Menu Collectible Lunchbox Sweepstakes
ENTRY: Single | ENDS: March 30, 2024 11:59 PM PT | ELIGIBILITY: US/DC (Void in FL & NY) 18+ | ENTER HERE
Additional Info
TO ENTER WITHOUT PURCHASE: Send an email to [LINK INCOMPLETE] with subject line “DoorDash Cantina Menu Collectible Lunchbox Sweepstakes” and include your name, email address, and telephone number.
Five Hundred (500) Prizes: Each winner will receive one (1) DoorDash X Taco Bell Cantina Menu Collectible Lunchbox (“Prize”). ARV: $600.00 each. Total ARV of all prizes: $300,000.00.
Thank you, babyhuey121795★