Free Water-Saving Kit or Weatherization Kit for Nicor Gas Customers
If you're a Nicor Gas customer, you can get a free water-saving kit or weatherization kit shipped directly to you. The water-saving kit includes: 1 or 2 low-flow showerheads, 1 or 2 bathroom faucet aerators, 1 dual-spray kitchen faucet aerator, Shower timer and Plumber's tape. The free weatherization kit includes: 12-pack of outlet and switch foam gasket, 17' roll of closed cell foam tape weatherstripping, 17' roll of V-seal type weatherstripping, Self-adhesive door sweep, and 30' roll of rope caulk. Nicor account number required. Limit 1 free water-saving kit and up to 2 free weatherization kits per customer.
Thank you, mommabyrd2016