FREE United States of America and Israel Unity Pin from CUFI
Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is offering a Free U.S. & Israel Unity Pin so you can show your support for Israel. To get your free pin, click this link to go to the offer on their site and sign up to receive their email newsletter [it's free] and they will mail a pin to you for free. No purchase is required.
Remember, VonBeau does not send out any free stuff. The following screenshot is of the current offer on the company's website at the time of this posting. It's at the sole discretion of the company offering the freebie/sample to fulfill any and all requests.
About CUFI
The purpose of Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues.