Free Stickers and Labels Sample Pack from FreezerLabels
Freezerlabels[.net] offers full-color digital printing on freezer labels stock and also a diverse stock of print-yourself blank freezer labels. Get a Free Stickers and Labels Sample Pack delivered right to your door so you can make sure their labels are going to meet your needs. Simply, head over here and choose "I want to print the labels myself (you'll receive blank label samples you can print on)" then fill out the form. If you choose the other option, you'll only receive samples of custom labels they've printed for customers. Plus, bookmark this game-changing chart below from FreezerLabels[.net] for a guide to how long freezer foods will keep.
VonBeau.com does not sell products or send out any free stuff. You must request the offer through the link posted above. Samples are not guaranteed. It's at the sole discretion of the company offering the freebie/sample to fulfill any and all requests.

About Freezerlabels.net
Freezerlabels.net offers full-color digital printing on freezer labels stock and also a diverse stock of print-yourself blank freezer labels.