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Get a FREE Sample of Ad Supported Toilet Tissue from Star Toilet Paper

Free Star Toilet Paper Sample - Here's a unique product from Star Toilet Paper - toilet paper with advertisements and coupons printed on it. They are currently offering up a free sample and if you own a business, you can get a complimentary ad design. Simply fill out the form on their site and they will mail you a sample plus information about their product and services. does not sell products or send out any free stuff. You must request the offer through the link posted above. Samples are not guaranteed. It's at the sole discretion of the company offering the freebie/sample to fulfill any and all requests.

Star Toilet Paper

Star Toilet Paper provides companies with a unique means of advertising their product. We focus on reaching preferred demographics while maximizing “hit” rates and revenue for your company. We are a niche company that places company’s advertisements and/or coupons on our toilet paper. The product is placed in public restrooms with a high volume of users to reach the maximum amount of people. Public bathrooms benefit from carrying our toilet paper because they receive a higher quality product than what they currently use for no cost to them.

Posted by MrsVonBeau: