Free Pedialyte Liter at Walmart (Up to $5.98)
Get a Free Pedialyte Liter at Walmart in-store (up to $5.78) with this limited time offer! Go here then fill out the form to receive a text to claim your Barcode Buck$. Scan the barcode at the register at Walmart to redeem. Offer is good while supplies last or until 7/31/23, whichever occurs first.
Additional Info
You will not be eligible for this offer if you participating in the similar free pedialyte offer last year.
About Barcode Buck$
Bring your Barcode Buck$ digital offer to a Walmart store to redeem. In-store, at the checkout, follow the instructions listed on your Barcode Buck$ digital offer to scan the participating product and the digital offer barcode to receive your Free Pedialyte offer value (up to $5.98 savings).