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Free NIXZIT or ELEGANTE Acne Treatment Samples from SatisPHARMA

If you or your teenager suffers from acne, SatisPHARMA is offering Free Acne Treatment Samples before they're on the market. Head over here then fill out the form and choose the product you'd like (NIXZIT 2-step, Elegante Daily Lotion or The Patch). This offer will only be available for a limited time and could end without further notice. does not sell products or send out any free stuff. You must request the offer through the link posted above. Samples are not guaranteed. It's at the sole discretion of the company offering the freebie/sample to fulfill any and all requests.


NIXZIT ANTISEPTIC WASH starts with a natural product, the juice of orange peels (limonene). This can dissolve skin oils and skin waxes safely. This Wash is applied to the acne area, rubbed into the skin for a minute, and is then wiped off with a tissue. The tissue may show some discoloration which is evidence of oil and wax gunk removed from the skin. It is doing its job. It also contains a low concentration of an anti-oxidant to minimize wax formation and a bactericide to reduce inflammation from trapped sebum, and a pain reliever. It may be appropriate once or twice a day, depending upon your skin.

NIXZIT EXFOLIATING CREAM has an approved amount of salicylic acid (a chemical cousin of aspirin which is acetyl salicylic acid) that is applied after the NIXZIT ANTISEPTIC WASH to effectively remove dead skin cells the next time the area is washed. It also contains natural aloe which has been used for years for healing of skin, and it contains zinc ions which are also known to facilitate healing of skin. Zinc acetate is approved by the FDA as a skin protectant. Do not use this product if you are allergic to aspirin or if you have had Reyes' Syndrome. They are also using the tradename Elegante for an adult version of the salicylic acid treatment for acne combined with natural solvents for skin oils.

The Patch is a skin-colored adhesive circle about 1/2" diameter to cover an ugly zit, containing salicylic acid medication, aloe, glycerin, and zinc acetate. This can be used overnight to treat isolated acne blemishes.

Posted by MrsVonBeau:

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