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Get your FREE Net Neutrality Bumper Sticker from PCCC

Free Net Neutrality Sticker - The Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC is giving away stickers for people to put on their laptops and bumpers in order to raise awareness about Net Neutrality. If you would like to receive one, pop over and fill out the form on their website and you will receive a confirmation email to input your shipping address. A donation is NOT required.

Net Neutrality

After immense public pressure, the FCC voted to invite public feedback on two proposals -- the bad one and an awesome one. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler's preferred plan would create a fast lane for big corporations and a slow lane for everyone else. The alternative proposal would reclassify the Internet as a public utility like water -- equally accessible to all. This would enshrine Net Neutrality into law.

Posted by MrsVonBeau:

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