Possible FREE Fragrance Samples from Popsugar Dabble
POPSUGAR Dabble members! You may have a new offer in your account for a FREE Fragrance Samples from Macy's so go check! If you don't see anything today, be sure to check your account daily throughout this week to see if it was added. If you're not a member, click this link and create your account then complete your beauty profile. When new products become available for you to request, they will be listed on your profile in the "Products" section under "Available For You" and you may also receive an email notification. Let us know if you get anything!
VonBeau.com does not sell products or send out any free stuff. You must request the offer through the link posted above. Samples are not guaranteed. It's at the sole discretion of the company offering the freebie/sample to fulfill any and all requests.