Get FREE Football Team Fan Packs & More from the NFL
Love Football and Free Stuff? You can get stuff in the mail from your favorite NFL team — all for free! Some teams offer the ability to request a fan pack by filling out an online form, or by sending their office an email. Others may require you to send a SASE (stamped self-addressed envelope) to cut down on their mailing expenses. In all cases, make sure you include your name and mailing address or the team will not know where to send your delivery. Scroll down for a list of NFL teams offering freebies, along with any special instructions needed to request the fan pack.
When requesting a fan pack, be sure to include a polite note with your request. An example:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm a big Denver Broncos fan, but live in Florida. Would it be possible to receive a Broncos Fan Pack? I would like to show my support of the team by displaying some Denver Broncos items in my office at work.
Thank you,
Your Full Name
City, State Zip
NFL Teams
Arizona Cardinals - Email the Cardinals at: askquestions@cardinals.nfl.net
Atlanta Falcons - Fill out the form here to request a free fan pack.
Baltimore Ravens - Email the Ravens at: contactus@ravens.nfl.net
Buffalo Bills - Email the Bills at: guestservices@bills.nfl.com
Carolina Panthers - Email the Panthers at: feedback@panthers.nfl.com
Chicago Bears - The Bears do not send fan packs. However, you can sign up to receive Chicago Bears newsletters and alerts by email by filling out the Chicago Bears Email Notifications online form here.
Cincinnati Bengals - Email the Bengals at: webmaster@bengals.nfl.net
Cleveland Browns - Fill out the Cleveland Browns Fan Squad online form found here. Select “I would like a response” from the ‘Please Select’ field. Under ‘Subject’, choose “Other”. Indicate your desire for a Fan Pack in the ‘Question/Comment’ field.
Dallas Cowboys Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: ATTN: Fan Pack Request, Dallas Cowboys Football Club, One Cowboys Parkway, Irving, TX 75063
Denver Broncos - Fill out the fan pack request form here.
Detroit Lions - Fill out the Lions Contact Us online form here. In the field ‘What is your comment/request regarding?’, select “Fan Pack”. Repeat your request for a fan pack in the ‘Comment/Request’ field. Please note that, because of the large number of requests for fan packs, the Detroit Lions are currently limiting fan packs to only those that reside in Michigan. You can, however, sign up to receive the Detroit Lions Weekly eReport, breaking news, and more, by filling out the same form.
Green Bay Packers - Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Green Bay Packers Football Club, P.O. Box 10628, Green Bay, WI 54307-0628.
Houston Texans - Send a self-addressed stamped envelope with $1 in postage to: Fan Feedback, Houston Texans, Reliant Stadium, Two Reliant Park, Houston, TX 77054-1573
Indianapolis Colts - Send a 9×12 size envelope, self-addressed with $1.40 return postage, to: Indianapolis Colts Fan Pack, 7001 W. 56th St., Indianapolis, IN 46254
Jacksonville Jaguars - Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Jacksonville Jaguars, Attn: Fan Services, One EverBank Field Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32202
Kansas City Chiefs - Fill out the Chiefs Submit Your Feedback online form found here. The form is at the bottom of the web page. Select "General Question" from the drop-down then fill out the ‘Comments’ field with your request for a fan pack. Be sure to include your mailing address.
Miami Dolphins - Write to: Miami Dolphins Community Relations, Sun Life Stadium, 347 Don Shula Drive, Miami Gardens, FL 33056 and ask for a Dol-Fan Pack.
Minnesota Vikings - Email the Vikings at: customerservice@vikings.nfl.net
New England Patriots - The Patriots do not offer fan packs, but you can sign up for the Patriots Fan Zone E-mail. You’ll receive breaking news, featured content, and information on discounts, promotions, giveaways, and more, by filling out the online form here.
New Orleans Saints - Fill out the Saints Contact Us online form found here and select ‘Other Comments’ for the subject. Request a fan pack in the ‘Comments / Questions’ field. Remember to include your mailing address.
New York Giants - The New York Giants do not send out fan packs, but you can sign up for the free Giants E-Newsletter here.
New York Jets - Fill out online form here. Choose "Autograph/Fan Pack Request" and include your mailing address in the "Message" box.
Oakland Raiders - Email the Raiders at: feedback@raiders.com
Philadelphia Eagles - Fill out the Eagles Contact Us online form found here. Select ‘Marketing & Promotions’ from the Department field. Enter “Fan Pack” in the Message Title field. Indicate that you would like a Fan Pack in the Comments area. Otherwise, you can email your request for an Eagles fan pack at: fanfeedback@lincolnfinancialfield.com
Pittsburgh Steelers - Email the Steelers at: steelersfeedback@yahoo.com. You can also receive a Steelers pocket schedule by mailing a written request along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Pittsburgh Steelers, Attn: Pocket Schedule, 3400 South Water Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203
San Diego Chargers - Fill out the Chargers Contact Us online form found here and indicate that you would like a Fan Pack in the ‘Questions/Comments’ field. Remember to include your mailing address.
Seattle Seahawks - The Seattle Seahawks do not offer Fan Packs, but you can sign up to receive Hawk Mail. Hawk Mail members receive team news via e-mail updates, access to members-only publications, and opportunities to win Seahawk merchandise and game tickets. Sign up for Hawk Mail here
San Francisco 49ers - Fill out the Niners Contact Us online form found here. Select the ‘Question/Comment’ radio button. Select ‘Fan Experience/Guest Service’ from the ‘It is about…’ field. Enter “Fan Pack” in the ‘Subject’ field. In the ‘Message’ area, indicate your interest to receive a fan pack. Don’t forget your mailing address.
St. Louis Rams - Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: St. Louis Rams, One Rams Way, St. Louis, MO 63045
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Fill out the Bucs Fan Pack requests found here.
Tennessee Titans Football Club - Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Tennessee Titans Football Club, 460 Great Circle Rd., Nashville, TN 37228
Washington Redskins - Fill out the Email the Redskins online form found here. Enter “Fan Pack” for the Subject. Be sure to include your mailing address. You can also try emailing the Redskins at: webmaster@redskins.com