FREE Food Should Taste Good Chips Sample for Box Tops Members
Free FSTG Chips Sample - Box Tops is offering members a free sample of Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips. You must be a Box Tops member as of 1/29/2013 to participate in this offer. If you're not a member, be sure to sign up [it's free] so you can participate in the next freebie they offer. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
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Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips
Corn, sweet potato, sea salt and cane juice….think of the sweet, salty, corny flavor combination and then you’ll know why our team keeps reaching for these! It’s pretty hard to find a cracker/tortilla chip that doesn’t have nasty oils or chemicals or that has a unique flavor. Not these. Great clean ingredients, amaZing flavor and food combination adaptability make these chip/crackers Pure Zing!