Free Eye Exams For Infants 6 to 12 Months Old From InfantSEE
Free Eye Exams For Infants - Vision and eye care are both extremely important to InfantSEE, shouldn't they be to you to? Participating optometrists in your area can provide a free infant eye assessment to babies between six and twelve months old. This is part of a no-cost public service. Don't wait, get your child's eyes tested now, the sooner the better.
InfantSEE, a public health program, managed by Optometry Cares - the AOA Foundation, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life. Under this program, participating optometrists provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age as a no-cost public service.