FREE Deck of Cards for Camaraderie (Company Name & Address Required)
Justworks is offering a FREE Deck of Cards for Camaraderie to companies. Click this link then scroll down and fill out the form to tell them a little bit about your company so they can send you a deck of Cards for Camaraderie. While supplies last. Company name and address required. Limit one entry per company.
About Cards for Camaraderie
Forget the boring all-staff meeting and recognize your team’s stellar efforts with something they’ll actually enjoy. Simply bust out your Cards for Camaraderie and deal your team a winning hand. Try an activity from the deck of cards. Whether it’s organizing Taco Tuesdays, setting aside time for meditation, or going hiking as a team — employee rewards and recognition don’t have to be grand, expensive gestures...but they can be. Glamping anyone?