Free Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch Ministry DVD and Brochure
Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch offers a Free DVD and Brochure that includes a message of hope and information about their ministry. The foundational message of Crystal Peaks is simple: Broken, abused, and neglected things can be transformed by the hope of Christ into something beautiful and whole. This transformation is only found through the hope we discover in Christ. You can view the DVD online through this link so you'll know what's on the DVD you're requesting.
About Crystal Peaks
Currently, Crystal Peaks serves between four to five thousand visitors a year. One of the features that makes our program unique is that many of the 30-35 horses who live on the Ranch have been rescued from violent abuse or life-threatening neglect. All of our extraordinary horses have their own stories of triumph and hope. We then pair these horses with one child and one leader for 90-minutes of purposeful activities to build lasting relationships full of the release of God’s love, truth and kindness. This is what we call a “session.”
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