FREE Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich with DoorDash Order of $5 or More
DoorDash and Chick-fil-A have partnered up and to celebrate, they are offering a FREE Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich to customers that place an order of $5 or More through DoorDash using the promo code: CFADELIVERY at checkout. This offer is only available to customers within a 10-minute radius of a participating Chick-fil-A restaurant. Click this link and log in or create a DoorDash account if you're new and you'll get $7 off your first order over $10! Enter your address to see if there's a Chick-fil-A within delivery distance then add what you want to order, apply the code: CFADELIVERY to get your free chicken sandwich. Your order must be at least $5 to get the free sandwich. If using the new member $7 off promo, your order must be at least $10. Limit one free sandwich per customer in participating cities.