Free Blaze Dragon Island Printable Coloring Pack from Nick Jr.
Free Dragon Island Printables - Nick Jr. is offering a free printable Blaze Dragon Island coloring pack. Go here then click the "Print" button. Your kiddo can color in the pages, then read the story of Blaze's race to the top of Mount Dragon. You can choose to print all pages or certain pages. Thank you Jennifer P!
Blaze Dragon Island
Blaze and Crusher go up against each other in a one-on-one high stakes race to the top of Mount Dragon. Although it’s one of the toughest races their team has ever faced, best friends Blaze and AJ know they have what it takes to beat Crusher--the unstoppable power of friendship! Despite Crusher’s attempt to cheat and trap Blaze in a cave far off the course before the race begins, AJ manages to free his best friend while overcoming larger-than-life obstacles along the way. Crusher tries to cheat one last time along the route, but Blaze and AJ prove no one can beat best friends by winning the race in a thrilling finale.