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FREE PC World Magazine One Year Subscription from Mercury Magazines

Free PC World Magazine - Mercury Magazines is offering a full one-year [12 issue] subscription to PC World magazine to the first 3,000 qualified respondents, absolutely free of charge. You will be notified in 2-4 weeks if you are not one of the first 3,000 respondents. We've been able to get many free magazine from Mercury Mags and never received a bill!

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PC World

Stay on top of today's fast-changing technology with PCWorld magazine. Get buying advice from PCWorld's reviews and lab-based rankings for laptops, PCs, smartphones, digital cameras, printers, HDTVs and more. Set up a home network. Make your PC faster. Choose effective anti-virus software. Every issue of PCWorld is packed with award-winning articles, product rankings, news, reviews, how-tos, tips, bug fixes and much more. Make the most of your PC, consumer electronics and digital technology right now with the trusted and expert advice from PCWorld!
