Slice into Savings: FREE DiGiorno Pizza Coupon with Pizza Rescue
DiGiorno has launched the Pizza Rescue Program to turn pizza mishaps into coupons. Just upload a photo of your ruined pizza then DiGiorno will asses and the damage, and give you a coupon for DiGiorno Pizza! Offer valid through April 11th, 2024. Go here on your mobile device to submit your pizza photo and get your digital coupon.
DiGiorno’s Pizza Rescue Program looks to engage with consumers who have been burnt by pizza delivery (or carry-out) by utilizing mobile, AI-enabled technology that turns mishaps into digital coupons. Consumers who upload a photo of their pizza via a microsite will receive a coupon that corresponds to damage level: up to 30% damaged is good for $1 off, up to 60% for $1.50 and up to 100% for $2.
Thank you, babyhuey121795★