Coupon for a FREE dose of Vectra 3D Flea and Tick Control for Dogs
Free Vectra 3D for Dogs - Vectra Pet is offering a printable coupon for a free dose of Vectra 3D Flea & Tick Control for Dogs. The coupon can be redeemed at most veterinarian offices but be sure to calls yours to confirm before making a special trip. To get your coupon, enter your info on the Vectra site, select a vet or select the option to print a generic coupon of not participating vets show up.
Vectra 3D
Anywhere in the country, it's always possible for fleas, ticks and other dangerous vectors to infect your dog. It only takes one bite to potentially spread disease. That’s why you need the fast-acting, long-lasting, broad-spectrum protection of Vectra 3D.