Sunkist & Squirt Spin the Wheel Instant Win Game
ENTRY: Daily | ENDS: September 1, 2024 11:59 PM ET | ELIGIBILITY: US/DC 18+ | ENTER HERE
Additional Info
If you win and select "Other" instead of a store, you will get your prize in cash via Venmo or PayPal!
Four (4) Grand Prizes are available. Grand Prize consists of Free Sunkist or Squirt for a Year (ARV $467.48 each Grand Prize / One Year of Sunkist/Squirt = fifty-two (52) 12-packs ARV up to $8.99 each) (“Grand Prize”). If a Grand Prize winner selects a retailer that accepts Barcode Buck$®, their Grand Prize will be awarded in the form of a Barcode Buck$® digital certificate. Grand Prize winner will receive a link to the Barcode Buck$ digital certificate by email from the Administrator. Barcode Buck$® digital certificate will include details including prize value, participating product(s), participating retailers and redemption instructions. The Barcode Buck$® digital barcode certificate will be scanned by the consumer at any participating retailer as payment for the purchase of any participating product(s). Grand Prize winner may utilize the Barcode Buck$® digital certificate up to fifty-two (52) times or up to $467.48 is redeemed in participating products, whichever occurs first. Barcode Buck$® expire on 8/31/25. Barcode Buck$® can be redeemed at participating retailers found in the link in each Game Prize winner’s notification email. If a Grand Prize winner selects a retailer that does not accept Barcode Buck$®, they will receive the max. ARV value of the Grand Prize in cash via Venmo.
Thirty-three thousand (33,000) Sunkist/Squirt Prizes are available. Prize consists of one (1) free 20 oz. Sunkist/Squirt product / ARV up to $2.50 each (“Prize”). Winner has the option to utilize their Prize value towards the purchase of an eligible 12-pack instead of one (1) free 20 oz. If a Prize winner selects a retailer that does not accept Barcode Buck$®, they will receive the max. ARV value of the Prize in cash via Venmo.
Thank you, babyhuey121795★