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Michaels & Create Room Dream Craft Room Giveaway

Enter the Michaels & Create Room Dream Craft Room Giveaway for the chance to win a dream creative space, filled with craft supplies, art materials, and more! Use the giveaway box at the top of this page to complete your entries. The more actions you complete, the more entries you will receive. Ends 11:59PM MT November 15th, 2023.

Additional Info

If you're new to the DreamBox, you might be curious what it's all about! The DreamBox is an all-in-one hideaway crafting workspace, complete with personalized shelving, a foldaway table, and over 85,000 cubic inches of storage space. It's the perfect storage solution for all your crafty supplies, so you can spend less time searching and more time creating!


(1) Grand Prize: 1 DreamBox ($2,599 value) and 1 Michaels Gift Card ($250 value)

(4) Runner's-Up Prizes: 1 DreamBox Gift Card ($250 value) and 1 Michaels Gift Card ($250 value)

Posted by HoneyAndBea:

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