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Free Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power Razor Sample

FREE Gillette ProGlide Razor - UPDATE: You can buy Gillette Products here. Hurry over and "Take The Challenge" on Gillette's Facebook page to get a FREE ProGlide Razor.

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Click the green link. Like Gillette on facebook then click on "Take the Challenge" and fill out the form to get your free razor. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

Gillette Fusion ProGlide

The Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power Razor is Gillette’s most advanced blade ever. Thinner, finer blades with a low-resistance coating glide effortlessly through hair for less tug and pull, providing incredible comfort, even if you shave every day.

Here's a backup link as well. Just click on the Take The Challenge FB link under the video.


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