Get FREE and Discounted Products to Review on Amazon
Did you know that you can receive FREE and DEEPLY DISCOUNTED products from many companies, simply by agreeing to leave them a review on Amazon? Yes, it really is that easy! The companies will provide you with a coupon code to use at checkout to get the discount on the item up for review (most of the time the products are 100% free or $1). Shipping is free if you have Prime although we have seen free shipping from time to time for non Prime members. After you receive your item be sure to leave your review so you'll be eligible for more offers! Below, you will find tips on writing quality reviews, how to pitch to sellers plus a huge list of Amazon review sites that we've been using with great success. Join each one then watch your inbox for alerts on free offers and deals. The offers are usually very limited (the first 50, etc) so you'll need to act fast if you want in on a specific item. We'd love for you to come back in few weeks and let us know about your experience with these companies!
Step 1
Have an Amazon account with preferably a Prime membership. Prime is not required but if you plan on doing reviews regularly, you may want to consider getting a membership so you won't have to pay shipping. The majority of review items offered qualify for free Prime shipping. Without Prime, you'll have to pay between $4-$6 for shipping on each item. You can sign up for a Free 30-day Prime trial but remember to cancel before the trial is up or you will be charged the full membership price ($99) or you can opt for monthly payments of $10.99.
Step 2
Understand how to properly write a quality review. Each review should provide information that is descriptive and helpful to someone interested in buying the product. Aim for (at minimum) 75 words and use complete sentences. Be sure to include the appropriate disclaimer: "I received this product for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review." OR "I received this product at a discount in exchange for an honest and unbiased review." If you want more tips on writing great reviews straight from Amazon, go HERE.
Step 3
Join Amazon review sites to get coupon codes for the free products to review. Some offer 100% free codes and others offer deeply discounted codes. Start with a few sites then once you get the hang of things, join more.
**Amazon Review Sites**
All Star Reviews - Sign up then they will send offers to you via email.
Amazing Deals Group - Sign up and receive a DealCoin to use to get the product you want. Write your honest Product Review on Amazon. Amazing Deals Group verifies your Review is posted. You earn a new DealCoin to get another Deal!
AMZ Review Trader - This one has a ton of products to choose from. Prices range from FREE and up. Thank you Teris!
AmzRC (Amazon Review Club) - Sign up for free then log in and click on Deals to view available products.
AMZ VIP - Thank you Jacob!
BuView - Sign up and they will contact you via email when new review projects are available.
Dollar Deal Reviews Thank you Gwendolyn!
Elite Deal Club - Great one to join! They send out daily emails and there are many products available.
Etekcity - Apply and they will contact you via email if you are accepted to the Citizen Program from Etekcity then you get to pick which product you want to review. Thank you Heather!
- You'll receive emails alerting you about new deals.Giveaway Service - Helps you connect with companies looking to get reviews on their products.
Home Product Testing - Has many products for free. Apply for the one(s) you want and if chosen, the seller will contact you via email with the coupon code.
Honest Few - Reserve your spot and they will contact you via email when a product is available to review.
iLoveToReview - Emails are sent out when new products are available.
iReviewHome - Same interface as AMZ Review Trader
No Kidding Coupon Club - Earn points to redeem for coupon codes for 99%-100% Off.
OZ Naturals VIP List Visit their site, scroll down and enter your email address where it says JOIN THE OZ NATURALS VIP LIST to sign up. You'll receive promotion codes via email to get free OZ Naturals products to review.
Review Loop - Review Loop is an invite-only Review Community. A current member can invite you or you can fill out the form for a chance to get in.
Skiva Platinum user Program - Apply yo try free products for your devices.
SnagShout - Sign up, choose your free or discounted deal. Once you leave your review on Amazon, you'll be eligible to pick another deal!
Social Nature - Sign up, click on Products then "Want" items you are interested in. They will contact you via email if you are selected to participate in campaigns.
Toilet Tree Product Review Club - They are full at this time but are slowly adding more people each week. Fill out the form to apply then they will contact you via email when you're added.
Tomoson - Connects you with companies that want their products reviewed in multiple places (Amazon, personal blogs, etc). You apply and if you're accepted, you get the product free shipped through Amazon.
True Opinion - Register then you can choose from available products to review. FYI: It doesn't specify how much of a discount the code gives you until after you request it and get the email.
Trust Review Network Sign up and they will contact you via email when a new product is available to review.
UberZon Club - Sends lots of deals out daily ranging from $1-$5 but they only have about 10-20 available so you have to be quick.
Step 4
Try the product then leave your review. Seller's are hoping for a 4 or 5 star review from. If the product did not meet your expectations, you can always contact the seller before leaving the review. If they feel that you received a defective item, (and this all varies by seller) they may send you another product.
How to Pitch a Seller
Pitching a seller means that you contact the seller directing instead of going through a review site. You will need to have a good Amazon Rank (under #200,000) so if you're just starting out, you may want to get a few reviews under your belt before pitching. When you're ready, here's what you need to do:
- Locate a product on Amazon that you're interested in reviewing.
- Under the price, it will say "Sold by (Seller's Name)"
- Click on the Seller's name.
- Once you are on the Seller's page, scroll down and on the right side of the page under "Further Information", click on "Contact Seller".
- Choose I need assistance with "An item for sale" then select "Other Question" from the drop-down menu.
- Write your message. You can say something like "Hi, my name is XXXX. I really enjoy doing product reviews for seller's and I would be happy to provide an honest review in exchange for a free product. Here's a link to my Amazon profile (your link goes here) and here are a few reviews I've recently done (include the permalink to the reviews, if you have any)."
- If the seller is interested, they will send an email then the two of you will work out the details.
Please keep in mind that this method is not a guarantee. Some seller's do not even respond but it never hurts to ask.